Rolf has built an N-size miniature railway in the stable part of the old stone barn. The N-size is 1:160 scale and is smaller than the so-called “Märklin”, usually known in Finland, which is 1:78 scale. The table level on which the miniature railway is built measures 19 m2, with about 170 m of track. The rolling stock consists of about 80 locomotives and about 300 wagons. These products are from different manufacturers. The miniature railway is not a modern digital version, but due to the long collection period (about 60 years), they are controlled in the old fashioned way via a control centre with about 1,5 km of wires. The landscaping is a fantasy version, with a castle here and there from different countries, and other handicrafts using natural materials.
The name of the miniature railway PPPR comes from the fact that when the name of the property is Parrenparoni, then of course the railway is the ParrenParoni Miniature Railway.
Opening hours
- In July we are generally open from Thursday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm (call +358 45 880 4070 to confirm opening hours).
- Other times by appointment.
Admission fees
- Includes access to the miniature railway and the museum
- Adult 7 €
- Child 2 €
- Family 15 €
- Small café activities
PPPR Model railway
Parrenmäentie 17
FI-83100 Liperi, Finland
+358 45 880 4070
info ( a t) lammu . fi
We offer Bed & Breakfast at an old farmhouse and rent cottages. Our place is situated about 390 km from Helsinki and 50 km from the city of Joensuu.